Monday, August 15, 2016

Writing Challenge- Soft Focus

Soft Focus.

This has two definitons. One deals with photography and the other deals with producing a lack of definiton.

I will go with a lack of definiton, even though I absolutely love photography.

Definiton. I am a person who loves detail. If you tell me to do something, I need a smuch detail as possible. Where, what size, color, how, etc.

It comes with the obsession of not wanting to disappoint or make a mistake. That is totally unrealistic because I am not perfect.
Sometimes, I get flustered by a lack of definition.
This goes for a spiritual context too.

Church. What are the boundaries within leadership?
What constitutes being part of leadrship?
Does the worship team count as leadership? Do they have the same expectations?

What are the exact expectations for us as Christians?

Biblical things can be gray as well.

In all of these things, I feel like there is a soft focus or a lack of definiton.

For a peace of mind, I need definiton.

I am thankful for the Lord holding my hand and walking me least that and his love are defined!

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