Friday, May 3, 2013

Sometimes, you just have to type a prayer...

Today is a brand new day. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex Lord. I give this brand new day to you. I pray I would remember your teaching from last night. My mind is still blown away from that prayer time. I have been holding on for way too long Lord. These burdens- big and small are NOT mine to carry. The burden I FELT I owed S- it is released into your hands. The burden I used to feel towards those in my life- released to you. I am a blessing, not a burden. I pray that I would continue to live in this today. Help me acknowledge truth for truth, and lies for lies. Today is going to be different. I have my first sub job. I pray for wisdom, and the knowledge of what to do. Any fear hiding in my heart- I give to you right now Lord. I can and will walk into that High school with confidence Lord. Ed- I pray you would heal his ankle Lord, and give the doctor's wisdom on what to do. please give him peace and comfort. Parents- I pray for their salvation. Please Lord- use someone as a vessel to witness to them. They need you, just like I do Lord. Help me choose to forgive my parents, and love them today Lord. Jan&John- be with them tomorrow and they unite in marriage Lord. I pray for the blending of these two families. Be ever present Lord, and rain down your LOVE and PEACE. Kristi- heal that finger Lord! I praise you for it not being worse. thank you for the Odman family, and the blessing they have been to me. Thank you for showing me your truth and love through their actions Lord. I want that for my family someday. Thank you for your word, and the ability to listen to it via a bible app. We are so blessed as a nation....I pray we would not take that for granted.